Being an artist for the weekend with Picasso: an adventure

Being an artist for the weekend with Picasso: an adventure

Pablo Picasso, the artist, is the center of attention

It’s important to remember that Pablo Picasso will be playing at the Eli and Edythe Broad Stage on March 15th and 16th at 7:30 p.m. Make sure to mark your calendars if you want to have a unique artistic experience. The actor playing Picasso in “A Weekend with Pablo Picasso” put on by L.A. Theatre Works is actually Herbert Seguenza, not the man himself.

Taking a Quick Look at Picasso’s World

What kind of person was Picasso? He was more than just a painter, that’s true. He was a whole package—an obsessed artist, a self-proclaimed clown, and a guy with a lot of ideas about, well, everything! Picasso could think about lots of different things, like love, death, beauty, war, forever, and art. He thought about everything. Luckily for us, this event gives us a look into his mind during a weekend of incredibly creative thinking.

Making art

But wait, there’s more! You wouldn’t normally just sit back and watch this kind of show. However, Los Angeles Theatre Works is going all out with their huge screen projections of Picasso’s art, which include text and photos from the past along with the projections. In this way, you’re not just looking at Picasso’s world; you’re diving right into it.

Herbert Sienza was known as the “Man of Many Talents.”

Now let’s talk about Herbert Sigüenza and about Slotasiabet. He is a strong opponent that needs to be taken seriously. Not only does he play Picasso, but he is also Picasso. Signenza is doing everything she can, from dancing to painting to pretending to be a matador. He’s making use of all his skills. What’s even more amazing is that he’s painting and drawing live while the show is going on. Being at Picasso’s secret workshop on the coast of France for three days is like going back in time to 1957; you really feel like you’re there.

Why it’s important to be accessible

Because the people who work at Broad Stage want everyone to be able to enjoy art, they are making sure that people of all ages and backgrounds can go to this show. The English supertitles will be used for the performance on Friday, while the Spanish ones will be used for the performance on Saturday. You have no reason not to come—everyone is welcome!

Get your tickets right now

Take a deep breath and imagine you are in the world of Picasso. You can call or go to to get seats. It only costs $35 to get in and only 10k you can play in Slotasiabet . These artists’ performances would not have been possible without the support of Laurie and Bill Benenson. Also, don’t forget that everything is happening at the Broad Stage, which is at 1310 Eleventh Street in Santa Monica.

Don’t miss out on this!

The experience of “A Weekend with Pablo Picasso” is something that everyone should do, whether they are into art or just want to have fun. Sometimes it will make you laugh, sometimes it will make you cry, and sometimes it will make you want to paint yourself. Come on over!

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